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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Program Terms: Fall, Spring
  • Restrictions: ASC applicants only
Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year Application Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 09/10/2024
10/01/2024 TBA TBA
Fall 2024 09/10/2024
10/15/2024 TBA TBA
Fall 2025 02/25/2025 03/15/2025 TBA TBA

Indicates the application deadline for this program has passed.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Program Classification: Independent Affiliated, Scholarship or Award Minimum GPA: 2.0
Click here for a definition of this term Class Status: 1 - First Year, 2 - Sophomore, 3 - Junior, 4 - Senior
Program Description:
Center for Global Learning
Study Abroad Award Application

Books & Money
Independent Study Abroad Programs for


Agnes Scott College and the Center for Global Learning place a high value on study abroad experiences, and are proud to provide multiple funding opportunities for students intending to study abroad. These awards come from various departments, offices and generous donors to the college, and have a variety of criteria for eligibility. Award recipients may be determined by need, merit, location of program, length of program, subject of study, or type of program (ASC-affiliated vs. Non-affiliated), depending upon the award. Upon application, students will automatically be considered for all of the awards below for which they are eligible.


Center for Global Learning
Advantage Award for Study Abroad
George Thompson & Mardia Brown Fund for Asia Studies
Maude Jackson Padgett Travel Grant
Kilimanjaro Award (for study in Africa, Asia, and Middle East)
Kay & Mark Orr Award
Ellen Rosenblatt Caswell '47 Fund for Study Abroad
Vagliano Summer Scholars Abroad

Classics Department
Elizabeth Gould Zenn Award
French Department 
Chloe Steel Award
French Scholars Award
Margaret T. Phythian Award
Mary Virginia Allen Award

German Department
Ferdinand Seefried Austrian Studies Award (for study in Austria)
Spanish Department
Marilou Villavieja Tippett Award 
Any students intending to participate in an independent study abroad program during the following summer, fall, year or spring must submit this award application by the stated deadline if they want to be considered for any type of study abroad award. Please note these awards are not applicable to students participating on Global Study Tours or other faculty-led programs. Additionally, please note that students participating in Non-affiliated programs are only eligible for awards from the French, Spanish and Classics Departments.
Studying abroad takes planning and time, and therefore it is necessary to determine these awards sometimes far in advance of your intended program. Please submit your application by the stated deadline.
Once you start an application, you can save your work and come back and work on it as many times as needed before the deadline. You will want to prepare the following items ahead of time:
  1. Unofficial Transcript - Please go to AscAgnes save an electronic copy of your most recent "unofficial" transcript. Do NOT contact the Registrar for an official transcript. The unofficial transcript is acceptable.
  2. Statement of Financial AidPlease go to AscAgnes and save an electronic copy of your most recent financial aid award letter.
  3. Program Description  - Prepare a brief (no more than 100 words) statement describing your intended study abroad program (where are you going or what will you study?)
  4. Program Goals - You will be asked to prepare a brief (no more than 350 words) statement answering the following question - What are your academic or professional goals, and how does your chosen study abroad program align with those goals?
  5. Program Budget - Part of preparing to study abroad is planning out your expenses. You can download this sample budget, which provides students with a list of common expenses you may have for a study abroad program (please save the document to your desktop before beginning, or it will not save your work). Not all of these numbers have to be exact, but it is a good idea to get an estimate of what you will spend. This also serves as a template budget for you to enter in your own expenses and upload to your application.
  6. Recommendation - You will be able to electronically request a brief recommendation from an Agnes Scott faculty or staff member. Please speak to the intended person ahead of time before sending request, and give them at least 3 weeks' notice.

This award application is *separate* from the process of submitting your intent to study abroad that all students on independent programs must submit. If you apply for an award, but do not properly complete and submit your intent to study abroad (including course approvals on the Study Abroad Approval form) by its deadline, you will become ineligible for awards, and may not be approved to study abroad. 
If you will be participating in more than one type of program during two different semesters (ie a Non-Affiliated and an ASC-Affiliated program, or a summer program and a semester program), please contact the Center for Global Learning at

There are two scholarship application deadlines for Spring scholarship (March 1 and September 10).  CGL encourages students to apply during the earlier of the two deadlines (March 1).  Spring study abroad awards may be more limited by the September 10 application deadline).